Adobe Lightroom’s Lens Correction Panel is truly amazing. Within Lightroom Classic’s Lens Correction Panel are simple tools that we can use to fix common optical flaws like vignetting, barrel distortion, and chromatic aberration.
Click here to download the examples in this video and play along! (Subscribers Only)
If you are wondering, chromatic aberration is the scientific term for one type of the weird color fringes that we often see around the edges of objects in our photographs. Chromatic aberration looks like red, cyan, magenta, or green stripes along the sides of things that should have a nice clean edge. Fortunately, the Lens Correction Panel usually makes removing lateral chromatic aberration incredible easy.
If you eventually get tired of opening up the Lens Correction Panel to repair image after image then you might want to also learn how to automate this process using the advanced Custom Raw Default Settings feature inside of Lightroom Classic.