Articles with headlines like “Adobe Lightroom versus Adobe Photoshop” make for popular clickbait. This one program versus the other mentality makes for snappy headlines but it is completely misguided. The truth is that Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop are not competitors.
Both of these two amazing programs are designed to work well together and there are often times when we need to work with both of these applications to produce top-notch results. I will show you how to make a holiday greeting card using Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop in this short introductory video tutorial. Making a nice greeting card is a perfect example of a task that is best accomplished using Adobe Lightroom for our initial raw image processing and then turning to Adobe Photoshop for our text layers and additional adornment.
In upcoming lessons, we will dig deeper into the Adobe Lightroom plus Adobe Photoshop workflow to take our images to the next level. The message that I hope you will learn throughout this series of videos is that learning to work well with both of these powerful programs will give you the utmost in image quality and editing precision.